breakfast, recipe Lisa Marsh breakfast, recipe Lisa Marsh

Swiss Muesli: an easy overnight oats recipe that the whole family will love

Do you want a breakfast that's easy,  hearty, and healthy, and the whole family will love?  Well this might just be it.  

Have you seen all the buzz lately about these overnight refrigerator oats recipes? Seems like some new way to make oats?  Nope, not new.  The Swiss have been doing it this way for over 100 years.  They call it Muesli, or Swiss Muesli, or Bircher Muesli (named from the doctor that created the recipe for the health benefits of his patients).  This is not the "muesli" that you've seen in a cereal box.  That is a granola like cereal that has some oats and dried fruit and somebody decided to give it the name because some of the ingredients are similar. No, this is a totally different thing - it's a way of preparing oats that's like nothing you've probably ever tasted. I love it, it's one of my favorite breakfasts. I first learned about Swiss Muesli almost 30 years ago, when my older sister came home from being an exchange student in Switzerland.  She introduced us to the way the Swiss do oats, and I've loved it ever since.  In the summer I like to make up a huge bowl and eat it for breakfast all week long.  It's cool and refreshing, but hearty and filling.  And you can dress it up however you like. 

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Easy Quick Bread and Muffin Recipe
breakfast, recipe, baking Lisa Marsh breakfast, recipe, baking Lisa Marsh

Easy Quick Bread and Muffin Recipe

A master recipe for making all kids of quick and easy muffins or breads! This recipe is made with whole wheat flour, whole fruits and veggies, and no refined sugar (or very little, if you decide to add some). It is sweetened with just a little honey and the natural flavors of fruit. Best of all - it's made all in the blender, and takes less than 5 minutes from start until it's in the oven.  It is so fast and easy, you are just not even going to believe it. This is not your grandma's banana bread - there is no need to let your butter or eggs come to room temperature, there is no creaming of butter and sugar. You aren't washing multiple bowls.

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Banana Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins
breakfast, dessert, kid food, snacks, recipe, baking Lisa Marsh breakfast, dessert, kid food, snacks, recipe, baking Lisa Marsh

Banana Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins

I think I need to just bow out while I'm ahead with this one - I will never try another muffin recipe again.  My children have declared these to be the best muffins they've ever had.  And if you knew my kids, you'd know that they are pretty tough little food critics (my fault, I'm sure). 

I've made a couple batches of these over the last week, and they are inhaling them as fast as I can bake them. But it's totally ok, because these are super easy to make, and relatively healthy, as far as things containing chocolate chips go. We're talking from starting to in the oven in like 5 minutes. 

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drink, breakfast, recipe Lisa Marsh drink, breakfast, recipe Lisa Marsh

How to Make Almond Milk

Do you want to know how to make your own almond milk? Please say yes - you won't regret it - because this is too easy, and it tastes so good!

I've been making my own almond milk for a while now. I love having it in my morning coffee - it gives the milkiness I like from putting milk in my coffee, and just the right amount of sweetness, but somehow seems lighter on the stomach.  I also love using it in my kid's smoothies. 

When I made it the first time I was completely blown away at how easy it was.  I couldn't believe I'd been holding off on making nut milk, for some reason thinking it would be too much work.  So wrong! 

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Quick and Easy Homemade Peanut Butter
kid food, snacks, tips, recipe, dips and sauces Lisa Marsh kid food, snacks, tips, recipe, dips and sauces Lisa Marsh

Quick and Easy Homemade Peanut Butter

I really had no intention to make peanut butter.  Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of homemade nut butters.  I've done sunbutter before, and it was great.  But I try to prioritize my time and making all my nut butters at home has never really made it to the top of my list of things I should be doing.

But I love peanuts.  I mean, I love roasted, salted peanuts.  A quick handful or two is an awesome snack - it satisfies my need for crunchy and salty, and gives me a little protein.  I bought some peanuts a couple weeks ago, thinking I was buying roasted and salted peanuts. Only to get home and realize that what I had grabbed was roasted and NOT salted. (That's what happens when you're trying to squeeze in a quick grocery trip in between pickups and dropoffs.) As far as I'm concerned, there is no place in my life for snacking on nuts that aren't salted.  I know you raw nut lovers can disagree, but I love my salt. 

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Homemade "instant" oatmeal
breakfast, recipe, kid food, tips Lisa Marsh breakfast, recipe, kid food, tips Lisa Marsh

Homemade "instant" oatmeal

It totally kills me that my kids prefer those instant oatmeal packets over real cooked oats.  But lately I'm really trying to focus on choosing my battles, and trying to force people to learn to like oatmeal with some texture over the creamy, mushy stuff, just seems like a fight that's not worth fighting at this stage, especially on an already manic school day morning.  But instant oatmeal packets have all kinds of strikes against them, and I just can't bring myself to buy them any more.  The artificial flavorings in so many of the mainstream brands, the amount of sugar, and the cost - with 4 kids eating two packets each, we would use whole box at one meal.  I have bought some organic ones before, which are a little better, but they still have so much sugar and are even more expensive. I had seen several mentions on various food blogs and pinterest boards about making your own, so I thought I'd give it a try. 

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How to Make Homemade Chicken Broth
tips, soup, recipe, leftovers Lisa Marsh tips, soup, recipe, leftovers Lisa Marsh

How to Make Homemade Chicken Broth

Once you've had good homemade stock you'll really never want to go back.  The store bought stuff tastes so bland, or sometimes tastes like nothing but salt.  I love good chicken broth.  I love it so much that sometimes it doesn't survive long enough to make it into soup.  When someone in the house is sick, I make up a big pot of it and drink as much as I can.  I think it's the definition of classic comfort food, and it's so good for you.  Just do a quick google on the benefits of bone broth and you'll find pages and pages of info.

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Tummy Soothing Smoothie
drink, recipe Lisa Marsh drink, recipe Lisa Marsh

Tummy Soothing Smoothie

I've got a couple of kids home sick today, and one of them asked for a smoothie.  I was hesitant to oblige him, because the last thing I need right now is somebody losing their berry smoothie all over my white couch. But he did need to get a little something in his stomach. So I thought for a moment about what are some of the classic things we are taught are good for upset tummies, and realized that I could make a smoothie out of those.  So here is a very simple tummy soothing smoothie. It's not the tastiest smoothie I've ever made, but really it's not bad, and hopefully is just the thing that a little tummy needs. 

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Slow Cooker Lentil & Sausage Soup Recipe
dinner, soup, recipe Lisa Marsh dinner, soup, recipe Lisa Marsh

Slow Cooker Lentil & Sausage Soup Recipe

This lentil soup is hearty and comforting and great for those nights when you need something to warm your tummy. It's super easy to make and it has a great balance of veggies and the delicious taste you can only get from sausage. My kids, like most, are not big veggie eaters.  But they eat this soup! They are suckers for anything with sausage in it.  When I serve it to the kids I put a big dollop of sour cream on top - they seem to like it better with the creaminess, and it's a great way to cool it off quickly. One of my kids actually loves this so much that she requested the leftovers for breakfast the next day, and for snack when she got home from school.

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Easy Lemonade Lemon Cookie Recipe
dessert, recipe, baking Lisa Marsh dessert, recipe, baking Lisa Marsh

Easy Lemonade Lemon Cookie Recipe

I first came across a couple different versions of this recipe over the summer and made some with the kids.  We loved them!  They taste like summer, they are light and tangy and just the right amount of sweet. I think it's a little bit genius to make a lemon cookie using concentrated lemonade (the frozen kind) - you get all that great lemon flavor, but it's so quick and easy!  I use an organic lemonade concentrate, so it does not contain high fructose corn syrup.  

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Yogurt Parfaits
breakfast, recipe Lisa Marsh breakfast, recipe Lisa Marsh

Yogurt Parfaits

I recently wrote about my super picky child, and how she is finally starting to try new foods, now that I have completely given up on pushing her.  But we are still in the baby steps phase with that, she certainly has a ways to go before she is eating everything the rest of us eat.  So for now, a very large part of her diet is still yogurt.  I'm thankful at least that she really loves something that is so healthy, and I can load it up with fruit and oats to really make it an even more complete meal for her.  

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Easy Sunday Breakfast
breakfast, recipe, eggs Lisa Marsh breakfast, recipe, eggs Lisa Marsh

Easy Sunday Breakfast

I love Sunday breakfast with the family.  It's a day of the week when we usually have no plans, we take our time, we relax, and we enjoy just doing our thing and hanging out.  It's also usually the one day of the week when I get to take the time to fix a real full breakfast for the whole family, and I enjoy it.

I usually make some kind of pancakes or waffles, along with either bacon or sausage, and maybe some scrambled eggs.  This Sunday I decided to freshen things up just a bit and experiment with a new egg dish.  And I'm so glad I did - this was easy to make, mostly hands off, and very satisfying.

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