Hi. I’m Lisa Marsh.
I’m the busy mom behind What Lisa Cooks. I have two sets of twins and they keep me on my toes!
I am originally from Southern California, and then lived in Seattle for over 20 years, and now have recently moved back to the Sierra foothills of California.
I spent 20+ years in the corporate world, managing advertising and marketing for a large tech company. After I had all four of my babies (in less than three years!) I decided to leave behind the corporate life to stay home with my kids. I’ve been blogging and sharing the food I make for my family since the early days of blogs and social media.
Having twins - twice! - sort of forces one to re-evaluate their priorities a little bit.
What's most important to me is keeping my family happy and healthy.
That's what this blog is all about. The heart of our home is in the kitchen. With six people, and at least three meals a day, our lives largely revolve around what happens in the kitchen.
On the pages of this blog and in my social media you'll find my attempts at sharing a piece of that with you. I pack a ton of school lunches, make quick and easy dinners, simple but hearty breakfasts. This isn't your typical food blog. I'm not cranking out fancy new recipes with perfectly staged photos several times a week.
This is real life - feeding a real family, from the heart, as healthy as I can make it without driving myself to total exhaustion all of the time.
Interested in working with me? You can read more about what I’m available to do on this page, or feel free to email me and let’s chat.

I hope you enjoy!