Pizza Rolls
Recipe for easy homemade pizza rolls. A homemade spin on a kid food favorite that the whole family will love. Easy and fast to make.

One-Pot Macaroni and Cheese
Easy homemade mac and cheese recipe that cooks in one pot in 15 minutes from start to finish.

No drain pasta - One pot Pasta!
The quick and easy way to cook pasta - one pot, no draining, ready in about 10 minutes.

Meatballs for the family
My basic recipe for meatballs for your weeknight spaghetti and meatballs dinner.
Corn Dog Muffins
I think this may officially go down as the very best kid food item I have ever made. I have always loved corn dogs, and my kids love them too. I love the idea of making them at home, but I don't have a deep fryer, and I have no intention of getting one. So when I came across this idea of making corn dog muffins I just knew we had to have it. It's super easy - basically just good homemade cornbread with a piece of hot dog. Cooking in the oven as muffins means no mess from frying, and I loved that I could make different size options using different size muffin pans and cutting the hot dogs.

Banana Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins
I think I need to just bow out while I'm ahead with this one - I will never try another muffin recipe again. My children have declared these to be the best muffins they've ever had. And if you knew my kids, you'd know that they are pretty tough little food critics (my fault, I'm sure).
I've made a couple batches of these over the last week, and they are inhaling them as fast as I can bake them. But it's totally ok, because these are super easy to make, and relatively healthy, as far as things containing chocolate chips go. We're talking from starting to in the oven in like 5 minutes.

Quick and Easy Homemade Peanut Butter
I really had no intention to make peanut butter. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of homemade nut butters. I've done sunbutter before, and it was great. But I try to prioritize my time and making all my nut butters at home has never really made it to the top of my list of things I should be doing.
But I love peanuts. I mean, I love roasted, salted peanuts. A quick handful or two is an awesome snack - it satisfies my need for crunchy and salty, and gives me a little protein. I bought some peanuts a couple weeks ago, thinking I was buying roasted and salted peanuts. Only to get home and realize that what I had grabbed was roasted and NOT salted. (That's what happens when you're trying to squeeze in a quick grocery trip in between pickups and dropoffs.) As far as I'm concerned, there is no place in my life for snacking on nuts that aren't salted. I know you raw nut lovers can disagree, but I love my salt.

Homemade "instant" oatmeal
It totally kills me that my kids prefer those instant oatmeal packets over real cooked oats. But lately I'm really trying to focus on choosing my battles, and trying to force people to learn to like oatmeal with some texture over the creamy, mushy stuff, just seems like a fight that's not worth fighting at this stage, especially on an already manic school day morning. But instant oatmeal packets have all kinds of strikes against them, and I just can't bring myself to buy them any more. The artificial flavorings in so many of the mainstream brands, the amount of sugar, and the cost - with 4 kids eating two packets each, we would use whole box at one meal. I have bought some organic ones before, which are a little better, but they still have so much sugar and are even more expensive. I had seen several mentions on various food blogs and pinterest boards about making your own, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Basic recipe: pancakes and waffles
Add to the list of things that I can't for the life of me figure out why I ever bought in a box: pancakes.
Pancakes and waffles are so easy to make from scratch. Call me lazy, but I love a recipe that's versatile and adaptable to a number of uses. I like to think about it once and use it a lot - and this one definitely fits that bill.

Easy homemade fruit leather
My kids love those little fruit leathers from the store. I refuse to buy the cheap ones that are filled with artificial stuff, but the better quality ones get expensive - especially when they want to eat 2 or 3 at a time! So having a quick and easy way to make my own seemed like a great idea.
How I have ended meal time battles with a picky eater.
Thoughts about how and why I stopped fighting with my picky eater and made meal times work better for us.