Grazing Table For Kids

grazing table & charcuterie ideas from

Grazing Tables and Charcuterie boards are all the rage these days and I am totally here for it. I have been feeding kids like this for years and it is the easiest way to get them to eat a good meal.

I am a huge believer in giving kids control over their food - they really will eat better if they feel like they are in control of it.

This doesn’t mean it’s a junk food free for all. It means you give them a variety of easy, healthy choices, and a few guidelines, and let them build their own plate. I do this regularly and it works really well.

A big mixed platter of protein, fruits, veggies, and a little carbs. I give them a guideline that they have to choose at least one protein, one veggie, and one fruit. The carbs are optional, and honestly if I leave them off the kids don’t even miss it and eat more of the other stuff.


This is basically a guaranteed way to get kids to eat. Seriously. 

It's a win-win for everyone. You get to know that your kids are eating food you want them to eat - healthy food! And the kids get to feel like they have control over their own meal. 

Every time I make a lunch like this my kids attack it like they haven't eaten for days. And a bonus tip for you - grown ups love to eat this way too. You don’t have to make a charcuterie or grazing table of fancy expensive stuff, fill it full of “kid food” and it will get devoured.

Lisa Marsh
Mom to two sets of twins.

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