Homemade Honey Lemonade Recipe. And a Cocktail - Because You Earned It.
Easy recipe for homemade lemonade - fresh squeezed and sweetened with sugar. Plus a bonus recipe for an adult lemonade cocktail.
How to Make Almond Milk
Do you want to know how to make your own almond milk? Please say yes - you won't regret it - because this is too easy, and it tastes so good!
I've been making my own almond milk for a while now. I love having it in my morning coffee - it gives the milkiness I like from putting milk in my coffee, and just the right amount of sweetness, but somehow seems lighter on the stomach. I also love using it in my kid's smoothies.
When I made it the first time I was completely blown away at how easy it was. I couldn't believe I'd been holding off on making nut milk, for some reason thinking it would be too much work. So wrong!
Gold Rush Cocktail
The perfect summer cocktail - it’s like summer’s version of the Hot Toddy.

Tummy Soothing Smoothie
I've got a couple of kids home sick today, and one of them asked for a smoothie. I was hesitant to oblige him, because the last thing I need right now is somebody losing their berry smoothie all over my white couch. But he did need to get a little something in his stomach. So I thought for a moment about what are some of the classic things we are taught are good for upset tummies, and realized that I could make a smoothie out of those. So here is a very simple tummy soothing smoothie. It's not the tastiest smoothie I've ever made, but really it's not bad, and hopefully is just the thing that a little tummy needs.