school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 9 - quesadilla, apples, peas

Just a quick and simple quesadilla today.  Monday is my full day, so I didn't feel like doing anything elaborate Monday night.  Quesadillas are so easy.  They can be as simple as just throwing some cheese on a tortilla and popping it in the microwave for a minute. It's our favorite go-to last minute meal. When I'm not in a total hurry I prefer to cook them in a pan.  Especially if I am packing a lunch the night before, cooking them in a pan gives a little crispness and helps keep them from getting squishy.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 8 - a warm lunch

I don't do warm lunches very often, mostly because they can't be packed the night before and I usually don't want to take the time in the morning.  But this one was super easy because it was just leftovers. We had macaroni and cheese and salad for dinner last night.  As you have heard me say many times before, I always cook extra.  If I'm boiling the water and opening the box, then why not make 4 boxes of mac & cheese instead of 2? It's just as easy, and then we have another meal already made.  We also had a salad bar with our dinner, and so I had extra of the veggies already cut up.  I made up the salad boxes last night, from the salad leftovers, and put those in the fridge.  Then in the morning all I had to do was heat up the mac & cheese and put it in the thermos containers.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 6 - making leftovers fun!

I am a big, big fan of leftovers.  I don't think I have ever cooked a meal where there was just enough for that meal.  While it may be something I enjoy, and it is a labor of love for me - let's be honest, cooking can be a lot of work!  So I figure if I am going to do all that work, I am going to make the most of my time and effort.  So I always cook extra, and I always try to have an idea for another meal out of what I have cooked. 

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 5 - it's breakfast for lunch day!

Pancake sandwiches are so easy and fun to make.  Every Sunday I make a big family breakfast, and usually include either pancakes or waffles.  I always make extra, because they freeze great and they are great for quick weekday breakfasts or school lunches.  I usually make some with blueberries or other fruit, and some plain.  For a pancake sandwich, just spread a cold pancake with your favorite filling, and smush it together.  

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

Non Sandwich School Lunch: Tuna and Crackers


My oldest daughter (now 8!!) revealed to me the other day that she LOVED tuna.  Well, ok then.  I did not know this. So tuna it is. When a child tells me they like a food, I jump at that chance, so tuna has been on my list since school started last week.

My menu plan says that one day a week I do a "lunchable" type thing, on Tuesdays.  Which to me means basically crackers, with some protein and stuff.  So today the protein is tuna. My kids seem to do best when they have plenty of protein, so I try to make the protein the main part of the meal if I can.

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 3 - and a birthday!

For Monday lunches I like to keep it quick and easy.  Come heck or high water, I am determined to make these lunches the night before. I'm usually pretty tired on Sunday night.  After a full weekend, I want to just throw the lunches together and fall into bed.  These corndog muffins were just pulled out of the freezer and popped in the box. I made chili and cornbread for dinner the day before, so I just made a double batch of the cornbread batter, and cooked up some super easy corndog muffins at the same time. 

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

Day 2 of school lunch

ay 2 of school is not a time to throw anybody any curve balls.  I will stick with favorites and things I know they will eat, so we can make sure we get through the day with full tummies. I try to do sandwiches only one day a week, it forces me to maintain some variety, and Friday is usually the day, but cutting it in a fun shape is a super simple way to make an ordinary sandwich seem a little special.  On this second day of school I want to make sure they are feeling the love!

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school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

And here we go...The first school lunch of the year!

We had a great summer and I honestly really enjoyed having the time off from packing lunches every single day.  But after that refreshing break I am looking forward to getting back to the daily routines and structure that the school year brings. If you have followed me for a while, you'll know that I'm usually pretty good about posting our lunches on my social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram), but I haven't been as good about actually posting them here on the blog.  So my blogging goal for this year is to do much better about getting these lunches on the blog every day!  I've come up with the format below that I plan to use for sharing all of the lunches - I want to tell you a little bit about my thought process that went into it, what I actually packed, a few extra tips to think about, and what products I used.  If there is more you want to know - please let me know!

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