school lunch Lisa Marsh school lunch Lisa Marsh

School lunch day 8 - a warm lunch

I don't do warm lunches very often, mostly because they can't be packed the night before and I usually don't want to take the time in the morning.  But this one was super easy because it was just leftovers. We had macaroni and cheese and salad for dinner last night.  As you have heard me say many times before, I always cook extra.  If I'm boiling the water and opening the box, then why not make 4 boxes of mac & cheese instead of 2? It's just as easy, and then we have another meal already made.  We also had a salad bar with our dinner, and so I had extra of the veggies already cut up.  I made up the salad boxes last night, from the salad leftovers, and put those in the fridge.  Then in the morning all I had to do was heat up the mac & cheese and put it in the thermos containers.

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