School Lunch Day 103: Tuna and crackers - and a new lunch box!

This is a simple and quick packed school lunch for just one today - in a brand new stainless steel lunch box that I am super excited about. 

Is it silly that I get so excited about something like a new lunch container? Well, when you pack four lunches every single day of the school year, having containers you love is a big deal.

I have some pretty strict criteria for what makes a lunch container worth buying, so when I came across these I thought it almost seemed too good to be true, and I had to try one. For it to work for us, a lunch container has to be super durable, easy to store, easy to open and close, and reasonably priced. In my first use of this container, I can already tell that they meet all of our criteria, plus they contain NO PLASTIC, and they have a leak proof lid.  I will be writing up a full review of these after we've used them for a little bit longer, but so far I think it definitely is a winner. 

For this lunch today, I made a simple tuna salad. This is just a whole can of tuna, drained and mixed with a little mayo and a handful of shredded cheese. On the side there are 8 crackers, a babybel cheese, 4 cut strawberries, and a little container of pomegranate seeds. 

And back to the container - even though it looks small, it's deeper than most other containers I've used, so it actually holds a lot of food. 

This lunch is packed in an EcoLunchbox Blue Water Bento Splash Box, and the tuna inside is in their Splash Pod. The crackers are in a silicone muffin cup, and the seeds are in a little dressing container

Lisa Marsh
Mom to two sets of twins.

School Lunch Day 104: Pizza Sticks


School Lunch Day 102: Mini Pancake Muffins!